CNN’s Kara Swisher Tells Chris Wallace ‘The GOP Will Lose Everything’ If Abortion Pill Struck Down By SCOTUS
Kara Swisher told CNN anchor Chris Wallace that if the Supreme Court strikes down the abortion pill, “The GOP will lose everything!”
The Supreme Court has just agreed to hear a case that seeks to invalidate the approval of Mifepristone, just weeks after the GOP got clobbered on the issue of abortion in off-year elections.
Journalists Kristen Soltis Anderson, Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Reihan Salam, and Kara Swisher joined Wallace for this week’s edition of CNN’s The Chris Wallace Show on Saturday morning, during which Wallace asked Swisher “Should judges be second-guessing the FDA about whether or not it’s safe to take a drug?”:
WALLACE: I want to bring up one other thing, we’ve only got a minute left in this segment, Kara, and that is, as if there weren’t enough, the Supreme Court has decided to jump in and hear the case about mifepristone, which is one of two pills that women take. It turns out that taking the abortion pills accounts for a majority, more than half of all abortions in this country.
SWISHER: That is correct.
WALLACE: So the Supreme Court, sitting there in their black robes, is going to sit there and decide whether or not the FDA was right when it extended several years ago, it opened up more access to this drug. Should judges be second-guessing the FDA about whether or not it’s safe to take a drug?
SWISHER: This is going to be explosive depending on decision. If they ban it, I think the GOPis going to lose everything, because I think people, there’s no — there is the most important access to abortion for many women. And I think it is just one of these issues where people are — there’s going to be exception after exception after exception, there’s going to be Kate Cox, and Kate Cox and Kate Cox, and it’s going to be a problem for the GOP.
Watch above via CNN’s The Chris Wallace Show.