Oliver Darcy Calls Out CNN For Airing ‘Lie-Filled’ RNC Speeches With ‘Little-To-No’ Push Back



CNN’s senior media reporter Oliver Darcy called out his colleagues over their coverage of the Republican National Convention for providing “little-to-no on-air push back” after broadcasting “misleading and lie-filled speeches in their entirety.”

In his Reliable Sources newsletter on Thursday, Darcy also criticized Fox News for the same.

He wrote: “On night three of the RNC, CNN and Fox News continued airing misleading and lie-filled speeches in their entirety, often with little-to-no on-air pushback.”

Wednesday’s edition of the newsletter offered the same critique of CNN and Fox News.

Shortly after Darcy’s newsletter went out, CNN’s Daniel Dale appeared on the network to fact check of Wednesday night’s RNC speeches. Take, for example, this fact check from JD Vance’s speech:

Dale also ran his fact-checking segments of Peter Navarro’s speech Wednesday, as well as other speeches on Monday and Tuesday nights, having listened to all the speeches.

Darcy did, however, make a point to praise MSNBC’s coverage on Thursday: “Over on MSNBC, the network opted not to carry many of the speeches, instead prioritizing countering the falsehoods being promoted.”

Notably, many of MSNBC top hosts are not broadcasting from the RNC event in Milwaukee but, rather, as reported by New York Times’ Michael Grynbaum, are conducting coverage “from a studio in Midtown Manhattan, as a live feed of the convention floor was projected onto an LED screen behind them.”
