The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin Has Some Blunt Advice for Democrats: Tell Voters ‘Republicans Want to Kill Your Kids’



Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin advised Democrats to “be pithy” and tell voters that “Republicans want to kill your kids” in a recent episode of her podcast, Jen Rubin’s Green Room.

“For people who don’t get political news, who never pick up a newspaper, who never turn on CNN, who never even bother with Fox News, those people really have no idea what’s going on. And that means we have to bend over backwards not to suck up to these people, not to make excuses for them, but at least to communicate the basic facts,” began Rubin in an extended lecture for Democratic strategists. “You don’t have a vaccine because, you’re not getting a child tax credit because. All the good things that are happening at the state level, they have to know why they’re getting those things. Oh, you have a chip manufacturing plant because a Democratic president put that into effect and a Democratic governor went out and solicited bids. And now you have X number of thousands of jobs. It’s that simple.”

She continued:

You can’t talk broad themes. You have to boil it down to nuts and bolts and you have to be pithy. What do I mean by pithy? How about this? Republicans want to kill your kids. It’s actually true. If you’re going to oppose vaccinations, if you’re going to stop breakthrough medical research, if you’re going to allow minors and all sorts of people to get semi-automatic weapons, which they use to shoot up schools, well then you are responsible for kids health and death, unfortunately. It has to be that simple and that direct, and it has to be over and over and over again.

Rubin has come under heavy scrutiny in recent days over her arguably overwrought analysis — she recently claimed that “It is 1933” and “Hitler is in power,” for example. She announced earlier this month that that she would “no long communicate” on X and locked her account.

(This article has been updated to better reflect Rubin’s departure from X.)

