Fox & Friends Diners Crack Up at the Prospect of ‘The View’ Melting Down: ‘I Want to Tell Whoopi Goldberg, You’re Fired!’
A diner patron featured on Fox & Friends called out ABC’s The View host Whoopi Goldberg to cheers during a post-election segment on Wednesday — speaking into the camera to shout out projected President-elect Donald Trump’s infamous catchphrase from The Apprentice: “You’re fired!”
Goldberg, who backed President Joe Biden as Democratic nominee and then Vice President Kamala Harris when she took over as the Democratic party standard bearer, is an outspoken critic of Trump.
Host Todd Piro reported from the diner in Pennsylvania Wednesday morning surrounded by jubilant supporters of Trump, following his electoral victory.
Reflecting on the excited mood of those the crowd in attendance he noted that “the jubilation has devolved into delirium.”
Turning to one attendee, called Don, Piro asked: “Come 11:00 A.M. today how are you going to celebrate?”
“I’m going to watch The View,” Don replied, to laughter.
The crowd roared. Piro replied: “There you go. Don is watching The View. Where are you watching The View, Don?”
Don said: “I’m going to tape it in case I’m not home. I want to tell Whoopi Goldberg, you’re fired!”
“Get out of here!” he added.
“Don just fired Whoopi!” the host shouted to more cheers.
Watch above on Fox & Friends.