Trump Repeats Himself Whopping 21 Times In 2 Minutes Ranting About Presidential Immunity Supreme Court Case


Former President Donald Trump posted a pair of rants in which he repeated themes on presidential immunity a whopping 21 times as the Supreme Court hearing on his appeal grows closer.

Seven weeks after a stunning appeals court hearing at which Trump’s attorney argued that a president could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival and not face prosecution unless he were impeached and convicted first, the Supreme Court announced it will take up that issue on appeal — and hear arguments on April 25.

On Wednesday, Trump reeled off a dizzying series of video rants, including a pair of posts that appeared to be directed at the conservative Supreme Court majority, half of which was appointed by Trump.

In under two minutes, Trump repeated themes over and over — like presidents must have immunity (7), a president without immunity doesn’t work and is nothing (10), and the founders wanted the president to have immunity (4), a very “originalist” argument.

One notable omission from these rants is Trump’s previous insistence on “absolute” or “total and complete” immunity, which he dialed back to “a strong form of immunity”:

DONALD TRUMP: The Supreme Court will address the historic question of presidential immunity. Without presidential immunity, the president cannot function, as his political opponents will blackmail and extort him with the threat of wrongful persecution at every turn, including when he leaves office.

They’re going to say, you don’t give us this, whether it’s for taxes or military or anything, we’re going to go get you because we’re allowed to now because you wouldn’t have immunity. We’re going to get you after you leave office.

It literally would be blackmail.

We look forward to presenting our case in the Supreme Court. It’s going to be one of the most important cases, because without presidential immunity, you have nothing! You don’t have a president. You have just a ceremonial position. And we can’t have that. A president has to be strong, has to be powerful, has to make good decisions.

But if you don’t have presidential immunity, if you don’t have a strong form of immunity, you’re not going to have anything. You’re not going to have a president that can function. It’s not going to work. It would never work.

Everybody assumes that a president has immunity. A president has to have immunity, or he cannot or she cannot function.

DONALD TRUMP: The president doesn’t have immunity, he or she will be nothing more than a ceremonial president, rarely having the courage to do what has to be done for our country and to make our country great again.

This is not what the founders had in mind at all. This is not what they wanted to think about. This is not where they wanted us to be.

The founders wanted the president to have immunity so the president can feel free to make decisions.

Hopefully they’ll be great decisions. But whether they are or not, a president of the United States has to have immunity. Thank you.

Watch above via Truth Social.
