‘I Don’t Have a Take, I’m Sorry!’ MSNBC Contributor Totally Gobsmacked After Learning About Hunter Pardon Live On Air
It’s not often that a cable news pundit doesn’t have a take, but the breaking news of the Hunter Biden pardon rendered one analyst utterly speechless Sunday night.
During the 8 p.m. hour of MSNBC’s Ayman, guest-hosted by Melissa Murray, MSNBC political analyst Molly Jong-Fast blanked when asked to weigh in.
“Molly, fast and furious, what do you make of this new news?” Murray asked.
“I just heard it, I have to process it,” Jong-Fast said, laughing nervously. “I don’t have a take … I’m sorry!”
Murray was forced to scramble to find an opinion elsewhere to navigate past the awkward moment.
“Anyone?” Murray said.
MSNBC analyst Michelle Goldberg jumped in to fill the void.
“Look, I don’t think that Democrats can uphold all of these norms singlehandedly,” she said. “Hunter Biden was prosecuted for a crime that a normal person who had committed the same crime would almost certainly not be prosecuted for it. Joe Biden bent over backwards not to intervene in order to show how much of a respecter of norms he was, unlike Donald Trump. But yeah, you know, we see kind of what that got him. And I certainly understand why … he would not want to forfeit the future and life of his son to uphold a set of norms that are about to go up in smoke.”
Watch above, via MSNBC.