Pelosi Vows to Pass Bipartisan USPS Funding Today, Demands Senate Pass It This Week: ‘This Hits Home’
Speaker Nancy Pelosi remarked today that the House USPS bill coming for a vote will be passed today and in a bipartisan way. President Donald Trump has said he will veto the bill, which would pour money into the postal service ahead of the election.
The political “football” MSNBC’s Lindsey Reiser refers to is mail-in voting, of course, which Trump has repeatedly claimed will lead to fraud, abuse, and other problems. MSNBC reporter Monica Alba says Trump’s has “no evidence to back up these claims” that universal mail-in voting could lead to fraud. She also made a point of noting that Trump was golfing on Saturday morning.
“We will pass the bill, and it will be in a bipartisan way today. And then we will send to it the Senate,” Pelosi vowed a short time ago. “And let me just say that, as I’ve always said, public sentiment is everything. They’ll be hearing from their constituents, because this hits home.”
MSNBC’s Capitol Hill correspondent Leigh Ann Caldwell said that the debate is “steeped in election year politics” and that Trump is “demeaning the postal service” before introducing another clip from Pelosi’s morning presser.
“Don’t pay any attention to what the president is saying, because it is all designed to suppress the vote,” said Pelosi. “It’s a suppress the vote tactic. As is the suppressing of the ability of the postal system to deliver on its responsibility.”
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.