Trump Suggests Biden Does Cocaine: ‘There’s Something Going on There’


Donald Trump suggested that President Joe Biden is on drugs and should be tested before participating in any debates.

The former president made the accusation on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show on Thursday.

“You said you’ll debate him anywhere, anytime,” Hewitt said. “Do you think he’ll agree to any debates? Do you think he’ll agree?”

Trump answered, “I don’t think so but I hope he does.” He continued:

TRUMP: I think what happened, was, you know that white stuff that they happened to find which happened to be cocaine in the White House? I don’t know, I think there’s something going on there, because I watched his State of the Union, and he was all jacked up at the beginning. By the end he was fading fast. There’s something going on there. I want to debate. And I think debates with him at least should be drug tested.

HEWITT: Mr. President, are you suggesting President Biden’s using cocaine?

TRUMP: I don’t know what he was using but that was not — hey, he was higher than a kite. And by the way, it was the worst address I’ve ever seen. State of the Nation. I’ll tell you. State of the Union. That’s not State of the Union. He doesn’t represent us properly, that I can tell you. He’s obviously, he’s being helped somehow because most of the time he looks like he’s falling asleep, and all of a sudden he walked up there and did a poor job, but he was all jacked up.

Earlier this week, Trump positioned an empty lecturn on stage at his Wisconsin rally to suggest Biden wouldn’t debate him.

“This is for Joe Biden,” Trump said, gesturing to the lecturn. “I am trying to get him to debate. Trying to get Crooked Joe to debate. Anytime, anyplace.”

When asked whether he’ll debate Trump, Biden said, “It depends on his behavior.”

Trump purposely skipped all of the Republican debates with other GOP candidates before he overwhelmingly won the primaries.

Watch the clip here.
