Stephen Colbert Crows That He Knew Trump Would Take His Bait After He Called Ex-President ‘Boring’: ‘I Knew it Would Upset Him’
After Stephen Colbert called former President Donald Trump “kinda boring” in a PBS interview, the ex-president took to his own social media platform to call Colbert “VERY BORING.” And Colbert admitted on Wednesday that this was exactly what he thought might happen.
During Wednesday’s monologue (at the 5:45 mark), Colbert addressed Trump’s posting about him while “hopped up on prescription-strength Tic-Tacs” so he could write on Truth Social: “He is not funny, which he gets paid far too much to be, he is not wise, he is VERY BORING, and his show is dying from a complete lack of viewers.”
The comments came in response to Colbert being asked if he would have Trump as a guest on his show, to which Colbert responded: “I’ve had him before and he’s kinda boring, so no.” So, Colbert explained his original comments, switching camera angles at every turn:
He’s clearly upset because I called him “boring.”
And I called him “boring” because I knew it would upset him.
Which it did, because he’s so predictable. Which is ultimately what makes him… kinda boring.
A bit earlier in the monologue, Colbert also addressed the “not wise” part of the comment. After he slapped on a fake beard and grabbed a pipe, he quoted “Socrates” as saying: “Kiss my salty man-bag, you crusty, old dingus.”
Watch the full monologue via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on YouTube.