Mark Levin Absolutely Loses It On ‘Imbecile’ Far-Right Rep. Andy Biggs for Challenging McCarthy: ‘A Bleeding Hemorrhoid on the Body Politic’


Mark Levin tore into Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) this week on his radio show, holding nothing back about what he thought of the congressman and his promised bid to challenge Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the Speaker of the House position.

“A phony, a fake, and a fraud, in my humble opinion!” Levin said of Biggs.

The radio host wasn’t exactly flattering when he introduced Biggs to his audience.

“He appears on cable from time to time with that goofball look. He’s barely able to complete sentences,” he said.

Levin, who referred to himself as a “strong critic” of McCarthy, dismissed Biggs as a minor lawmaker “creating drama” to win himself attention. The conservative pundit argued the Republican Party does not need more drama to deal with following the midterm elections.

“I don’t know if McCarthy will turn out to be the greatest Speaker in American history or the worst Speaker in history. That can dealt with after the fact, but right now Biggs is deceiving his constituents, deceiving the American people that he has some plan to go forward,” Levin said.

Levin later got even more vicious in his Biggs takedowns, referring to the congressman as an “imbecile” and a “moron.”

“We’re losing our country. It’s unraveling, and Andy Biggs is not the answer and he doesn’t have any answers. He’s a moron. He’s an imbecile,” he said.

Levin later topped all his Biggs insults by throwing out the whopper: “He’s a bleeding hemorrhoid on the body politic!”

Biggs and Levin clashed in a Twitter spat too, with both conservatives competing to see who could brand the other a bigger a “fraud.”

“Levin is the biggest fraud in politics right now,” Biggs tweeted this week in response to a post from Levin calling the congressman a “fraud and a phony conservative.”

At one point on his show, Levin promised Biggs he was now on his radar and there is no chasing him away.

“No, Biggs, you’re on my radar forever,” Levin warned.

Listen above via WABC-AM


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.