Bill Maher, Kara Swisher Debate Biden’s Chances Over Trump: ‘He’s Going to F**king Lose’
Bill Maher told Kara Swisher during a debate on President Joe Biden’s chances against Donald Trump that he’d vote for Biden if his head was in a “jar,” but he still thinks he’s “going to fucking lose.”
Swisher joined Maher for the latest episode of his Club Random podcast and the two fell on opposite sides of the fence when it came to the president’s chances for reelection in November.
“I would vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid over Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean that I’m — first of all, I think it’s a moot point at this point. He’s going to fucking lose,” Maher declared after arguing Biden’s age (81) is an issue too many Democrats ignore and attack him for bringing up.
“No. You’re wrong,” Swisher told Maher.
She pushed the comedian to bet on the election, at one point taunting him and saying he should put his podcast studio on the line.
“Not only will I not bet on this premise, you could change my mind on it in the next two minutes,” Maher said, asking Swisher to convince him.
Swisher argued Biden will win because of a “silent majority” of voters who may not be publicly against Trump, but will refuse to support him, primarily women. The problem, she acknowledged, is whether this “silent majority” is big enough in critical swing states.
“We don’t want chaos again,” she said of Trump.
“Do I think that’s absolutely possible, what you described? Yes. Or it could not be and I can’t tell the difference,” Maher said.
The Real Time host said the “shy Trump voter” could be what decides this election.
“The shy Trump voter is the one who is going to vote for Trump, but doesn’t want you to know it because it’s a little déclassé,” he said.
Watch above via Club Random podcast.