George Conway Says It’s Actually ‘40% Of The Population At Least’ Who Live in a ‘Bubble’ Not Elites


George Conway, anti-Trump activist and ex-husband of Kellyanne Conway,
claimed on MSNBC Saturday that there’s a “bubble” around nearly half of Americans that informs their voting, and that’s the real reason that Democrats last to Donald Trump, and not failing to reach Latino voters or other factors he called part of the “blame game.”

The political commentator joined The Weekend MSNBC panel on Saturday where he claimed that nearly half the country is ignorant regarding the things Trump says and believes. Conway is a self-described Never Trump conservative and co-founder of the Lincoln Project.

former Biden White House official Symone Sanders-Townsend asked Conway about the fact that millions of Americans who voted against Trump but will now have to “live under” the new administration anyway – which is the normal consequence of a vote.

Conway mentioned that there has been lots of blame to go around, which he dismissed along with economic concerns, and said instead that nearly half of all Americans live in a “bubble” and that’s why they didn’t know better than to vote for Trump.

You know there’s a lot of blame game going at the post hoc post-game analysis attacking Biden and attacking the Democrats for failing to win over Latino voters. But the disturbing thing about this election is what isn’t new. And that’s sort of maybe it’s why I’m not taking this as badly as people might think.

It’s like the problem was we always had 40 or 45% or whatever the number is, people who would have, are going to vote for him anyway. They may they may tell you, it’s the price of eggs. But they you know, if it weren’t that, it would be you know, it would be something else.

Some of those – I mean, I think there are legitimate voters there, voters who are actual swing voters who have been negatively affected by inflation.

But let’s set aside – Look, the 40, 40-something percent who are going to be there no matter what. They, you know, they consume an information diet that is, you know, self-selected in a way that we, you know, that is addictive and they, and this is essentially, we have a bubble around 40% of the population at least.

And they don’t they don’t know basic things about what Trump has done. Whenever Trump says something crazy and starts to perform vulgar acts on a microphone. You know, they change the channel. I mean, the network changes the channel.

Watch the clip above via MSNBC.
