Peggy Noonan Gets Dragged on Twitter For Defending Stained Glass Windows of Confederates
Late on Wednesday night, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan took to Twitter to give her reaction to Washington National Cathedral’s removal of two stained glass windows of Confederates Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
A shonda. They were figures in the greatest, most killing moral struggle in US history. They didnt tweet, they took to the field and died.1/
— Peggy Noonan (@Peggynoonannyc) September 7, 2017
Then one side won, they reconciled, the American experiment continued and we learned through this history. Keep em. Let it be. They are us.
— Peggy Noonan (@Peggynoonannyc) September 7, 2017
“A shonda,” she said (a Yiddish term for “shame”). “They were figures in the greatest, most killing moral struggle in US history. They didn’t tweet, they took to the field and died.”
She followed up with another tweet saying, “Then one side won, they reconciled, the American experiment continued and we learned through this history. Keep em. Let it be. They are us.”
Twitter didn’t approve such tweets.
Non-rhetorical question for you: wasn’t it a great moral struggle because the Lee and Jackson side was so immoral?
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 7, 2017
I’d say keep that yiddishism out of your mouth but honestly everything else in this terrible fucking tweet is much worse. Otherwise agree.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) September 7, 2017
it figures the guy who paid you to write speeches had a rotted out log for a brain
— Brain Mentality (@ByYourLogic) September 7, 2017
Using a Yiddish term for people who would have gladly sided with Hitler’s killing of the Jewish people of Europe is beyond the pale.
— Dane Rauschenberg (@SeeDaneRun) September 7, 2017
— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) September 7, 2017
For those of you joining American History already in progress, this is how the historical amnesia that brought us Jim Crow came about.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) September 7, 2017
They gave her a Pulitzer Prize.
— Stefan Fatsis (@stefanfatsis) September 7, 2017
I can’t believe you get paid for your opinions.
— Calvin (@calvinstowell) September 7, 2017
Wow can’t believe this huge book just says “they reconciled”
— Frank Matt (@fxmatt4) September 7, 2017
Peggy Noonan is now arguing we shouldn’t take down Confederate memorials because they valiantly freed the slaves by losing the Civil War
— Tom McKay (@thetomzone) September 7, 2017
The very Catholic Peggy Noonan using Yiddish – incorrectly – to bemoan the removal of images of Confederate leaders from a church.
— Gary Legum (@GaryLegum) September 7, 2017
“Let me cap off this pro-Confederate tweet with a splash of Yiddish” — no one ever except for Peggy Noonan.
— Nathaniel Friedman (@freedarko) September 7, 2017
1. They were traitors. 2. Lee died at home in bed. 3. They were not the heroes of the ”moral struggle’. 4. Learn to thread your tweets.
— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) September 7, 2017
Noonan responded to one Twitter user defending her position.
That’s what the fight, which existed from our national beginning, was about.They resolved it: all men are and must be free.They RESOLVED it
— Peggy Noonan (@Peggynoonannyc) September 7, 2017
On a lighter note, it’s Noonan’s birthday today. Happy Birthday!