Watch Trump Pretend to be ‘Presidential’ at Pennsylvania Rally: ‘You Know I’m Really Smart’
President Donald Trump delivered a marathon rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, running through his greatest hits — and also taking issue with pundits who say he’s not presidential enough.
“I read one woman in the Wall Street Journal today, nice woman I actually like her: Peggy Noonan,” Trump told the crowd, assembled to support GOP congressional candidate Rick Saccone. “She wrote an article about me.”
He was ostensibly referring to this piece by veteran columnist Noonan, which assesses the president’s achievements, while basically calling him “crazy.”
Trump almost seemed to get a little defensive about the jab in his speech, reminding the crowd that he attended Wharton.
“It’s a very smart, you know, Ivy League school, the best business school I think,” he said. “And then you gotta read, how — is Trump a good speaker?”
He then claimed that it was easy to be “presidential” before telling the crowd they would be “so bored” if he was — and launching into a robotic imitation of someone being “presidential.”
“And to all the military out there, we respect you very much, thank you,” he said mockingly. “Thank you, and God bless the United States of America.”
He then jokingly waddled away from the podium, before returning to say, “see that’s much easier than doing was I have to do.”
“Don’t forget this got us elected. If I came like a stiff, you guys wouldn’t be here tonight.”
Trump concluded that Noonan “is writing like I’m some kind of neanderthal.”
“You know I’m really smart,” he added.
[image via screengrab]