‘Hurricane Ben!’ Twitter Mocks LA Times Tweet Saying Berkeley ‘Braces’ For Ben Shapiro Speech
There has been a lot of attention drawn to conservative author and editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro‘s upcoming speaking event at UC Berkeley, all of it due to the on-campus opposition.
Late on Saturday, the Los Angeles Times published an article with the headline: “Berkeley braces for right-wing talk show host Ben Shapiro’s visit.”
But when the paper shared the article on its Twitter page, it caught fire among conservatives, specifically because Berkeley apparently has to “brace” for Shapiro.
Hurricane Ben! @benshapiro https://t.co/TJE33uJX0H
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 10, 2017
He’s going there to give a speech and they treat it like an incoming meteor. Sad that we have to “brace” for words these days. https://t.co/fFXOCc0f1S
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 10, 2017
Berkeley “B?R?A?C??E?S” for @benshapiro‘s visit https://t.co/AY1xL83bUK
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) September 10, 2017
Get this. He’s going to…talk. BRACE. https://t.co/Cz8a04WsZY
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) September 10, 2017
FIFY: “Berkeley Braces for Violent Mob Demanding Heckler’s Veto of Mainstream Conservative Speaker.” https://t.co/jKE7J3iE9W
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) September 10, 2017
Cat 5 hurricane about to strike Berkeley. Evacuate or seek shelter NOW. #HurricaneBen @benshapiro https://t.co/Z6qGDapMKy
— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) September 11, 2017
Note how it describes @benshapiro as a “former Breitbart editor,” before mentioning his current @realDailyWire position (or why he left) https://t.co/fjw36VmeIf
— Rabbi Josh Yuter (@JYuter) September 10, 2017
Berkeley braces for AntiFa rioters, again. #fixedthatforyou https://t.co/Pq0iGbZABb
— Stacy Washington (@StacyOnTheRight) September 10, 2017
Bracing? He is not Irma.
— Debra J. Saunders (@debrajsaunders) September 10, 2017
As Florida braces for #Irma, snotty nosed, liberals in Berkeley brace for………..words. https://t.co/o90tuPIPg8
— Shannon Burke (@TheShannonBurke) September 10, 2017
Oh the horror! https://t.co/cYpSLrRXux
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) September 10, 2017
Berkeley is scheduled to brace “Hurricane Ben” on Thursday.