GOP’s Burchett Corrected on Pronunciation of Kamala Harris’s Name, Says Fox Got His Name Wrong and ‘I Didn’t Pitch a Fit’


Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) was corrected after mispronouncing Vice President Kamala Harris’s first name, something her supporters have claimed is a deliberate tactic.

CSPAN’s Greta Brawner asked Burchett on Thursday during Washington Journal whether he was pronouncing the vice president’s name wrong on purpose.

“Congressman, the vice president pronounces her name ‘KA-mu-luh.’ You mispronounce it. Do you do that on purpose?” Brawner asked.

“No, ma’am, I don’t know how she pronounces it. This is the first time anybody’s ever told me that. How did I say it?” Burchett responded.

“You said ‘Ka-MAH-luh,’ and it’s ‘KA-muh-luh,'” Brawner said.

Burchett joked he has a name that no one pronounces correctly, even fellow conservatives like Sean Hannity and he doesn’t “pitch a fit,” but added that he stands “corrected” on Harris’s name.

“Kamala, okay, well, my last name’s Burchett and I dare say nobody’s — Sean Hannity didn’t even get my name right when I was on there and I don’t pitch a fit, so it’s Kamala? Okay,” he said. “Then I stand corrected, thank you. And some will say you’re showing bias to her by correcting her [name] and not correcting anybody for me, but I see that as just you being very kind to me, so I’ll take it as that.”

Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski has been among the critics claiming Republicans purposefully mispronounce Harris’s name, calling it part of a “hate campaign.”

“I’ve heard from inside Republican circles and right-wing media that the hate campaign against Kamala Harris has begun. You’ll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong. They say Kamala. They do it all the time. It is on purpose. But the talk is to start that hate campaign and get it going and start it churning,” she said.

Watch above via CSPAN.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.