Cuomo Slams Trump, Touts NY Pandemic Response at DNC Convention: ‘In Many Ways, Covid Is Just a Metaphor’
Governor Andrew Cuomo (D- NY) spoke at the virtual DNC convention Monday night and delivered a speech touting the response to the coronavirus pandemic in his state and slamming President Donald Trump.
Cuomo — who has received serious criticism for his handling of the pandemic — talked about successes in his state and said, “We went through hell, but we’ve learned much.”
“In many ways, covid is just a metaphor,” he said. “A virus attacks when the body is weak and when it cannot defend itself. Over these past few years, America’s body politic has been weakened. The divisions have been growing deeper, the anti-Semitism, the anti-Latino, the anti-immigrant fervor, the racism in Charlottesville, where the KKK didn’t even bother to wear their hoods. And in Minnesota, where the life was squeezed from Mr. Floyd. Only a strong body can fight off the virus. And America’s divisions weakened it.”
Cuomo went on to say that Trump didn’t create the division, but that “the division created Trump” and “he only me it worse.”
He also criticized the federal government response to the coronavirus, saying, “We saw the failure of a government that tried to deny the virus, then tried to ignore it, and then tried to politicize it.”
You can watch above, via CNN.