Vox Editor Openly Supports Violence: ‘If Trump Comes to Your Town, Start a Riot’
In the wake of violent protests and attacks on Donald Trump supporters in San Jose Thursday night, an editor at Vox praised the demonstrators and called for more riots.
Emmett Rensin began by mocking the outrage to the violence.
Prediction: 90% of the punditry will shake their head at this Affront to Democracy.https://t.co/dX2ouB31it
— Emmett Rensin (@emmettrensin) June 3, 2016
He later moved to explicitly calling for more riots.
Advice: If Trump comes to your town, start a riot.
— Emmett Rensin (@emmettrensin) June 3, 2016
Listen, if Trump is Hitler then you’ve got no business condemning rioters. If he isn’t, you’ve got no business pretending normal is better.
— Emmett Rensin (@emmettrensin) June 3, 2016
Let’s be clear: It’s never a shame to storm the barricades set up around a fascist.
— Emmett Rensin (@emmettrensin) June 3, 2016
The attacks on Trump naturally attracted the ire of Trump fans, and Rensin was inundated with the homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs his online critics have come to expect. But mixed in with the slurs were some amusing critiques of Rensin’s employer.
On the upside, if @voxdotcom advocates violence its how-to-riot guide will get eight or nine things wrong @emmettrensin
— (((Popehat))) (@Popehat) June 3, 2016
@Popehat Followed by at least 2-3 major stealth edits.
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) June 3, 2016
On the first try, but then Vox will make changes to the piece without disclosing that it made changes. #journalism https://t.co/eOZzY8cUVu
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) June 3, 2016
.@gabrielmalor I’ve always wanted to read a guide to riots culled from Wikipedia and vaguely remembered ovulars at Brown
— (((Popehat))) (@Popehat) June 3, 2016
UPDATE (2:36 PM ET): Vox founder Ezra Klein announced Friday that Rensin has been suspended for his tweets.
[Image via screengrab]
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