Twitter Flips Over Leaked WH Interns Photo: Enough Whiteness to Burn Your Retinas


White House, white interns.

That appears to be the going trend for the Trump administration, which is getting some flak for its nearly all-white class of summer interns. While it hasn’t yet released this summer’s group photo, as would usually happen, Vox’s Emily Stewart got hold of it, revealing it in an article Wednesday.

As might have been expected, Twitter immediately took note, brewing a firestorm of controversy. Users began sharing the photo and adding captions suggesting others take a look to see if they noticed anything peculiar, much like like a game of iSpy, except less fun.

While there are a few non-white faces in the crowd, they are surrounded by a virtual sea of apparent homogeneity, which prompted a slew of remarks on the administration’s non-diverse selection from a country in which nearly half of millennials are minorities, as Vox noted.

One writer at the outlet cautioned anyone viewing the photo to “use a hole punched in a shoe box, or a special pair of glasses.”

“This much whiteness can burn the retinas,” he tweeted.

Check out the reactions below:

[Featured image via Getty, header via white White House]
