‘Democracy Dies in Dumbness’: Bill Maher Rips Apart Washington Post‘s ‘Sh*tshow’ Over Joke About Women Being ‘Bi’
The Washington Post has become an “unlicensed daycare center,” Real Time host Bill Maher said in a segment eviscerating the newspaper on Friday. The segment was appropriate called “Democracy Dies in Dumbness,” a play on the Post’s slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
Maher focused mainly on the ensuing drama kicked up by reporter Felicia Sonmez taking issue with a retweeted joke from fellow journalist David Weigel.
“If you missed it, the Washington Post recently got embroiled in a self-inflicted shitstorm when one of their best reporters David Weigel retweeted, not tweeted, retweeted this joke: ‘Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual,'” Maher said, referring to it later as a “throwaway” joke and recommending those offended by it do just that: throw it away.
His reading earned laughter from the audience, whom Maher for proving it was, in fact, “a joke.”
Other recent drama at the Washington Post has included reporter Taylor Lorenz being accused of lying about contacting two people for a story on the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. She later claimed an editor added lines about contacting the people in question to her story. She has since been removed from features by the paper.
Maher had plenty of hits for the Post, including saying recent drama has only served as a reminder of “how much the Washington Post sucked.” He did, however, turn his attention to millennials too easily offended and too entitled to run the show.
“It’s funny, you think my generation is an eye roll? Let me let you in on a little secret about the younger generations; No one wants to hire you. Your sense of entitlement is legendary and, with notable exceptions, your attention span and worth ethic suck,” Maher said.
The HBO host and comedian further ripped into younger journalists, saying they could never handle something like the Watergate scandal. That scandal was first covered by Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.
“This is why you’re not in charge,” Maher said. “Because if someone named Deep Throat called the paper today and wanted to meet in a parking garage, this crew of emotional hemophiliacs would have an anxiety attack and report it to HR that they didn’t feel safe.”
Watch above via HBO.