‘Go F*ck Yourselves!’ Megyn Kelly Absolutely Loses It on ‘Small, Little Man’ Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Over Trump Meeting


SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly absolutely lost it on MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski over their Monday morning monologue about their meeting with President-elect Donald Trump over the weekend, animatedly telling the pair to “Go fuck yourselves!”

After playing clips of the co-hosts explaining to their Morning Joe audience that while they agreed to “restart communications,” they will “continue to speak truth to power and push back hard when called for,” Kelly erupted.

“I searched for a way to respond appropriately, and I called on my 10 years as a litigator in addition to my now 20 as a journalist. And I think I found the perfect phrase: Go fuck yourselves. Go fuck yourselves, you dishonest jokes of faux journalists,” she began. “What an absurd farce that was, Glenn [Greenwald]. They-, Which one was insincere? He’s Hitler? Or now we’re going to speak truth to power and find a way of speaking to and working with Donald Trump? Which one was a lie?”

“I never thought I’d utter these words, but I agree with Keith Olbermann. Keith Olbermann’s reaction is my reaction! At least in part,” marveled Kelly later in the segment. “This is the part where I agree with him: ‘Not that those words [Scarborough and Brzezinski’s] ever should have been trusted. They are confidence tricksters and grifters.'”

“That’s exactly right,” agreed Kelly. “They’re grifters. These two, yes, worked day and night to get Trump the nomination back in ’15-’16. They embarrassed themselves and sacrificed any pretense of journalistic ethics in doing it. It was true bootlicking.”

Kelly went on to play a montage of clips from that time period in which, among other things, Scarborough expressed an openness to serving as Trump’s vice president.

“It is nauseating. It’s so stomach-turning. They are so disgusting,” she continued. “And then what happened is Joe Scarborough found out he was not gonna be the vice presidential running mate. He had been rejected for that position and they turned, they turned on Trump because access to power is everything to that small, little man.”
