Joe Scarborough GOES OFF on ‘Moscow Mitch’ for ‘Aiding and Abetting’ Vladimir Putin: ‘That Is Un-American!’


Joe Scarborough has no time for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his apparent unwillingness to take seriously any past, present and future Russian efforts to interfere in American elections.

In a nearly seven-minute harangue, the Morning Joe hosed used the dismissive sobriquet “Moscow Mitch” roughly 16 times as he LIT into senior Kentucky senator for what he deemed as “un-American” lack of action on something that many Republican-appointed leaders of the “FBI, CIA, DNI, Intel committee” all agree on.

Scarborough listed numerous findings of Russian interference by Government agencies before following with a derisive “Moscow Mitch calls it a hoax!”

The Morning Joe host then suggested that McConnell may be benefitting from a Russian oligarch’s investment in his home state “I understand that there’s an oligarch that I have read is going to be setting up a big aluminum plant in Moscow Mitch’s home state.”

“I don’t know if that’s it. But how can Moscow Mitch so willingly turn a blind eye not only this year to what his Republican chairman of the Intel committee is saying, to what Robert Mueller is saying what the FBI director is saying what the DNI is saying, to what the CIA is saying, to what the United States military Intel community is saying,” he followed, adding “How can they Moscow Mitch keep denying that Vladimir Putin continues to try to subvert American democracy?”

The vexed and fuming host finished by literally yelling “Seriously, he is — he is aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin’s ongoing attempts to subvert American democracy according to the Republican FBI, CIA, DNI, Intel committee, all Republicans are all saying Russia is subverting American democracy and Moscow Mitch won’t let the Senate take a vote on it. That is un-American.”

Watch above via MSNBC.


Colby Hall is the Founding Editor of He is also a Peabody Award-winning television producer of non-fiction narrative programming as well as a terrific dancer and preparer of grilled meats.