Trump Accuses Biden of Not Being Religious Enough: ‘Barely Mentioned God’


Former President Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of not being religious enough during a campaign rally in Iowa on Tuesday.

“Or course we’re for parental rights, but the Democrats aren’t. They’re fascists,” said Trump during the rally, flanked by two Christmas trees decorated with Trump 2024 baubles. “They want people to take your children and do things with your children that are not even speakable. Americans of faith are not a threat to our country, Americans of faith are the soul of our country and they have been from the beginning. I will defend religion and I will defend ‘In God We Trust.'”

Trump continued:

And you know that very important phrase is under siege, you do know that right? We will defend it 100%. When Joe Biden lit the national Christmas tree earlier this month, he completely failed to even mention the birth of Jesus Christ, which is hard to do if you celebrated Christmas, right? He didn’t mention Jesus Christ in his remarks, not for three years he hasn’t mentioned that and barely mentioned God.

When I was president, we brought back the beautiful phrase “Merry Christmas,” and I said I’d do that. I’m very proud of that, actually, because as I said at the beginning, it was really under siege. And when I lit the Christmas tree each year, it was my honor to publicly celebrate the true source of Christmas joy, which is Jesus Christ.

He concluded, “As president, I kept every promise I made to Christians and more, and I think everybody in this room understands that very well. It’s pretty well documented.”

Trump has repeatedly called Biden’s faith into question, despite avoiding questions on the matter himself.

A 2020 Pew Research poll found that the majority Americans see Trump as either “not too” religious or “not at all” religious, with just 7% believing him to be “very religious.”

The poll also found that 34% of Americans were unsure what religion Trump actually belonged to, with only 44% believing him to be Christian.
