Coulter: Trump Voters Didn’t Want More ‘Pointless Wars,’ Assad ‘One of the Better Leaders’ in Region
Ann Coulter spoke with Fox’s Tucker Carlson tonight to express her dismay with President Trump‘s decision to strike Syria, saying she didn’t think there would have to be all this pushback “for not starting pointless wars.”
Coulter wrote in her column today, “If voters wanted more Middle Eastern wars, there were plenty of other candidates offering that: Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton, for example… But we picked Trump.”
And Coulter reminded Carlson and his viewers tonight that during the campaign Trump said he intends to be the president of America and not the world.
She argued it’s hard to explain the Syria strike because not only was it not in our vital national security interests, but “for that region of the world, Assad is one of the better leaders… he’s not even like a Sadaam Hussein murderous thug.”
She expanded upon this in her column today:
Assad is one of the least bad leaders in the entire Middle East. He’s not a murderous thug like Saddam, has no rape rooms, isn’t into jihad, protects Christians and is fighting ISIS. He provided us with intelligence on al-Qaida after 9/11. He does not have crazy Islamic police slapping women around or throwing gays off buildings. (That would be our beloved ally, Saudi Arabia.)
Trump was also correct about Assad’s opponents being far worse, containing large helpings of both ISIS and al-Qaida.
She also warned in both her column and on TV that such actions do not strengthen America nor have they ended up helping the nation the U.S. is trying to help.
Watch above, via Fox News.
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