1000 Blind People Regain Vision as a Result of Viral Youtube Video From Top Creator Mr Beast


Youtube star Mr Beast, otherwise known as Jimmy Donaldson, went viral after donating 1,000 restorative eye surgeries across the globe.

Donaldson who has over 130 million subscribers on YouTube is known for using his platform to give back to his community and random strangers. From giving away briefcases filled with cash and brand new cars to running a huge food pantry in his home state of North Carolina.

In his latest video, Donaldson partnered with SEE International to help provide needed surgeries for people suffering from diminished eyesight.

The video, which was released on Saturday has already garnered over 46 million views and ranks #1 on the trending page of YouTube.

Donaldson worked with Dr. Jeff Levenson from the organization to transform strangers’ lives, interviewing them before and after the surgery.

“Half of all the blindness in the world is people who need a 10 minute surgery,” Levenson said.

“I can see clear,” one woman said after her bandages were removed. “I can jump for joy!”

One patient, only identified by his first name, Jeremiah, was one of the lucky patients. He had been blind in one eye with severe cataracts since birth and there was only a 50% chance of the surgery being successful.

In his post surgery interview, he said, “Everything looks so more clear.”

“To make this day even more special,” Donaldson said, “Since you’re about to graduate high school and go to college, we wanted to give you $50,000 to put towards college.”

Donaldson handed Jeremiah a huge check which brought his entire family to tears.

“I didn’t even think this was for real. Like I’m waiting to wake up,” Jeremiah remarked.

But Donaldson wasn’t finished yet. As part of a bigger philanthropy project, he announced that his channel was going across the globe to provide the same surgery to people in remote places.

Namibia, Mexico, Honduras, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, Kenya, and Jamaica were just a few of the countries named.

“Nearly half the population with curable blindness doesn’t have access to this surgery. So I wanted to provide this to as many people as possible,” he said.

In addition to providing the surgeries, Donaldson also made a $100,000 dollar donation to the SEE International organization.

Donaldson ended the video by joking that perhaps they would “get 1,000 more views from the people we cured.”

Watch above via MrBeast on YouTube.
