Scarborough Goes Off on Postmaster General: ‘You Can’t Play Dumb’ When Trump ‘Wants You to Subvert Democracy’


Joe Scarborough knocked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on Monday while addressing the news that he has been called to testify before the House Oversight Committee.

As President Donald Trump continues to attack mail-in voting, DeJoy — a contributor and fundraiser for the president tapped to lead the USPS — was summoned to address a series of Postal Service reforms that have raised questions about how this might impact mail in votes. Mika Brzezinski noted that the Postal Service announced a suspension for its plans to remove mailboxes around the country, and she also brought up an internal memo of DeJoy speaking about the “unintended consequences” of the policy for his agency.

Brzezinski and Scarborough both disbelieved DeJoy’s claims the changes were “unintended”, despite statements from the agency that boxes are moved frequently depending on mail volume. Scarborough said, “that’s like walking through a house with gasoline and spreading it through the house and lighting a match.” The MSNBC host asked how DeJoy thought it would be a good time to reform the Postal Service when so many Americans are relying on it more than ever in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Sorry, that doesn’t pass the sniff test,” Scarborough said. “You can’t play dumb here, DeJoy. You just can’t do it, especially when you’re working for a guy who wants you to subvert democracy, who wants you to disenfranchise millions of voters…He wants your legacy to be as his partner for disenfranchising millions of voters, and undermining American democracy in a way that hasn’t been undermined since black voters were systematically disenfranchised years ago.”

Scarborough continied by savaging DeJoy while asking John Meacham if this was comparable with how white people used to disenfranchise black people from voting in the South.

Watch above, via MSNBC.
