The Five Revels in Climate Activists Being Dragged Off Italian Highway: ‘Sometimes Violence is the Answer’


Panelists on The Five Friday could not contain their laughter as they reacted to video of Italian motorists dragging climate activists off a busy highway in Rome.

On Thursday, a number of activists with the group Extinction Rebellion sat down on the Raccordo highway. They held a banner and snarled traffic.

Before long, angry motorists left their vehicles and forcibly removed them from the roadway. One man who was driving a white box truck, and had a cigarette hanging from his mouth, grabbed a man and dragged him to the shoulder.

Fox News played clips of the incident, and the actions of the drivers were celebrated by Jeanine Pirro, Dagen McDowell, Greg Gutfeld, and Joey Jones.

Pirro reacted to images of the mayhem with uncontrollable laughter, while Gutfeld commented, “That guy is amazing.”

“In case you didn’t hear that, that is the judge cackling at this because she loves it so much,” Jessica Tarlov said of Pirro.

Gutfeld interjected, “He doesn’t even take the cigarette out of his mouth. That is an Italian hero. I love everything about that person.”

Pirro, who could not contain her laughter, asked for the clip to be played again. She queried if there was a question being asked about the video.

Gutfeld, who was enjoying the images, commented, “Let’s just keep watching this.”

The panel continued to react to images of climate protestors being dragged off the road, only to return and sit back down.

McDowell then commented, “One of the chicks gets pulled by her hair, which is even better.”

There was a consensus the angry drivers acted appropriately.

“This is something that, somebody could go to an emergency,” Gutfeld said, to which Jones responded, “You know what this is? This is proof that sometimes violence is the answer.”

Watch above, via Fox News.
