Ex-Trump CDC Director Makes Shocking Claim: ‘There is a Real Possibility’ Covid ‘Birthplace’ Was North Carolina


Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the Trump administration, said this past week he believes there is a “real possibility” the “birthplace” of Covid was a lab in North Carolina.

Redfield told author and podcaster Dana Parish he did not have any definitive proof to support his claim. But he strongly believed the virus was engineered as part of a biodefense program before ultimately leading to a global pandemic.

The pair also discussed the possibility that while cases of Covid might have been spreading in Wuhan, China, by late 2019, the Chinese might have been unfairly blamed for the deaths of millions.

Parish and Redfield discussed the origins of the virus during a 90-minute interview the former posted on her X page Thursday:

REDFIELD: You were just asking me how I think this. This vaccine was – this virus was engineered. I think it was intentionally engineered as a part of a biodefense program.

PARISH: What was the U.S.’s role in that?

REDFIELD: Well, I think it was substantial. And this is why, you know, when you look at the accountability for China, their accountability is not in the lab work and in the creation of the virus. Their accountability is not following the international health regulations after they realized that they had a problem. And allowing people like me at CDC to come in and to help them within 48 hours like they were obligated to based on the treaty. But the US role was substantial. One is they funded the research both from NIH, the State Department, USAID, and the Defense Department. All four of those agencies helped fund this research. Secondly, the scientific mastermind behind this research is a guy named Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, and he was very involved in this research. I think he probably helped create some of the original viral lines, but I can’t
prove that. But he was very involved.

PARISH: Some have said that they are concerned that it was actually developed here and China was right, is that possible?

REDFIELD: Well, I don’t know if they were framed, but I think there is a real possibility that the virus’s birthplace was Chapel Hill.

PARISH: Yeah. What happened at the military games in October 2019?

REDFIELD: Well, in August, September, the initial cases of Covid in Wuhan began. Clearly, by the middle of September, there was a significant problem. Okay, because – and I can’t remember the exact date. I think it’s in the public domain now, it was classified, but I think it was September 19th – but they did three things. They changed the leadership of the lab. So it was a dual-use lab. They changed it from civilian to military. So the military was now put in charge of the lab. They did something highly irregular, which is they deleted the research sequences of Covid viruses that they had done years before. So the whole database was deleted.

Redfield previously criticized people within his own community who dismissed the Covid lab leak theory as “anti-science.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci also previously criticized Redfield after the former CDC director claimed he had been excluded from a conference call as the country’s top scientists discussed the origins of Covid.

Redfield had said he believed Fauci wanted one narrative that Covid occurred naturally. Fauci said in response that half the scientists on the call in question agreed with Redfield that the virus could have been engineered.

Watch above via Dana Parish.
