James Comey
James Comey served as the 7th FBI Director from 2013 until his dismissal in 2017. He had been a registered Republican for a while, until 2016 when he unaffiliated. He was previously the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2002 to 2003 and also served as the U.S. Deputy Attorney General from 2003 to 2005. President Obama appointed Comey as the FBI Director.
James Comey Q&A
Who replaced Comey?
Andrew McCabe filled in as Acting Director. Christopher Wray assumed the role in August of 2017.
Who is James Comey's wife?
James Comes is married to Patrice Failor.
Where did James Come go to law school?
Comey earned his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School in 1985.
James Comey Noteworthy Stories
July 23, 2019James Comey says Trump "would have already have been indicted" on obstruction if he were not the president.
May 23, 2018Comey goes off on Trump's attacks against the FBI.
June 20, 2015James Comey says the Charleston shooting was not terrorism.
Latest James Comey Stories